Intergenerational friendships and affected feminism. Unexpected links between girls and adults in a political organization from Buenos Aires



The aim of this article is to analyse the relationship between girls and adults at the La Caldera community centre in the light of the category of friendship from a feminist perspective, in order to denaturalise the relational formats imposed between generations, which have hierarchical inequality as a fundamental characteristic. This ethnographic research was carried out during 2020 in the heart of that political organisation, which brought together adults with girls and adolescents from different social classes. The results of the study of the field records are presented along three axes that allow us to break down the characteristics of the affection that arose intergenerationally: as a form of bonding with otherness without pretensions of sameness, as a form of non-paternalistic and non-unidirectional care, and as a way of spending time together without a specific task, that is, as a pause in productive time.


friendship, childhood, feminism, politics, ethnography

Author Biography

Paülah Nurit Shabel, CONICET

Dra. en Antropología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Magíster en Psicología del Conocimiento por FLACSO. Investigadora del CONICET, docente y militante social