Punto Género2025-01-03T23:43:25+00:00Silvia Lamadridpuntogenero@facso.clOpen Journal Systems<p>Revista Punto Género, an <a href="">Universidad de Chile</a>’s <a href="">Sociology Department</a> magazine, is a semestrial (half-yearly) publication which facilitates a space of dialogue and the exchange of ideas for investigations and reflections which are generated by social scientists regarding gender problematics in the diverse areas of society. This way, it contributes in the study of contradictions, tensions and process that keep alive different kinds of oppressions in our social life, as well as it helps to critically reformulate old and new subjects in Chilean and Latin-American Sociology.</p> masculinities and pedagogies in religious contexts. Advances in socioreligious research2025-01-02T21:04:25+00:00Ángel Manzo Montesdeocamanzo_angel@hotmail.comThis article investigates masculinities in religious contexts, within the framework of doctoral advances in socio-religious studies. It exposes the elaboration of the concept of insurgent masculinities in the face of the problems of men in religion. It analyzes the results obtained from the identification of religious imaginaries of gender and masculinities in evangelical Christian communities and puts forward some provisional pedagogical proposals for formative processes with men in these contexts.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género of Women’s Sexuality and Reproduction in Public Health Institutions in Mexico2025-01-02T21:50:16+00:00Aldo Iván Orozco Galvánaldoivan.oz.g@gmail.comFamily Planning (FP) is considered one of the main strategies to prevent maternal and infant morbidity and mortality and is regulated by various public policies in Mexico, which are reflected in the National Health Card. This study examines how the Card functions as an instrument to regulate women’s reproductive health care, aligning it with the objectives of public health policies. Using institutional ethnography, the research mapped how institutional dynamics shape women’s experiences during their health care. The findings reveal that the Card operates as a device that regulates not only medical care processes but also women’s presence in health institutions. This control often translates into institutional violence, undermining women’s autonomy and dignity by subordinating their individual needs to the objectives of family planning policies.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género and mind: relations between medicine and psychiatry in the scientific elaboration of female mental and sexual inferiority. Study on the House of Orates of Santiago de Chile, 1890-18972025-01-02T22:17:48+00:00Ana Carolina Gálvez Comandiniana.galvez@umce.clSince the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, medical and psychiatric theories circulated in Chile that established the organic relationship between sex and mind, establishing the physiological and psychic inferiority of the female sex. This article seeks to identify how androcentric science, with the ability to classify and normalize behaviors through scientific gender biases, behaves as a form of epistemic violence that was used to define and classify female mental and sexual inferiority, impacting those. women considered abnormal or degenerate, but also as a disciplinary element for other women, thus ensuring a social and sexual order determined by heteropatriarchal gender norms. We will analyze from the perspective of gender and social history medical texts and institutional statistics of the Casa de Orates of Santiago de Chile,how these ideas were applied in diagnoses on women interned in that institution between 1890 and 1897.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género the Digital Maze: The Impact of ICTs on the Sexual Autonomy of Young Mexican Women2025-01-02T23:20:10+00:00Janet Gabriela García Alcarazjanet.gaal@gmail.comTechnologies shape multiple dimensions of women's experiences. This article analyzes the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on the sexualities of young women using the concept of intimate citizenship and an intersectional framework. The study draws on ten interviews with women aged 18 to 22 living in León, Guanajuato, Mexico. Grounded Theory coding processes were employed to analyze the data. The findings indicate that gendered experiences of technology use, interactions in digital spaces, the influence of digital content on sexuality, and the technological mediation of sexual practices all affect the participants' Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR). Promoting sexual autonomy for young women in the digital age requires empowering them as both users and citizens, rather than focusing solely on technical or technological advancements.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género the Marginalized: How Older Women Define and Value Their Sexuality2025-01-02T23:35:32+00:00Bárbara Ilona Danús Vighdanus.barbara@gmail.comThis research seeks to understand how older adult women perceive and value their sexual lives. Using a qualitative methodology with a biographical approach, ten in-depth interviews were conducted with women over 75 years old residing in the Metropolitan Region in 2022. The results reveal that older adult women have diverse conceptions of sexuality. The participants express that their understanding of sexuality is dynamic and has transformed throughout their lives, significantly influenced by gender socialization, the cultural context of their youth, and taboo and prohibitive views. Additionally, their evaluations of their sexual trajectories are closely linked to the meanings they attribute to them, showing a relationship between how they appreciate their sexual lives and the beliefs and imaginaries they hold about them2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género intersectional struggle of palestinian women: history, feminism and current challenges2025-01-02T23:51:55+00:00Mayra Eltit Fuentesmayra.eltit@gmail.comIntersectionality has been essential in understanding the struggles of women of color. Therefore, to analyze Palestinian feminism, it is essential to consider this concept from the early women's movements in Palestine to the current urgencies. In this way, the paper attempts to answer What have been the movements and strategies of Palestinian women in the face of the double colonial and patriarchal burden? To provide an answer, the paper discusses the different views on the Palestinian female body, delves into the history of women's political movements and delves into the Tal'at movement as an intersectional feminist organization. Later, the analysis moves to the current situation (end of 2023 to end of 2024), presenting a reflection on the feminist urgency to engage with the Palestinian cause, the situation of Gazan women and the purplewashing in the Zionist discourse.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género Analysis of the Narratives on Victimization and Devictimization of Non-Cisnormative Survivors of Sex-Affective Violence2025-01-03T00:41:25+00:00Gabrielle González Aravenagabrielle.gonzalez.a@gmail.comSvenska Arensburg Castellisarensburg@u.uchile.clJaime Barrientos Delgadojbarrientos@uahurtado.clAlthough it has been pointed out that gender identity, sexual orientation, seropositivity, and racial identity would imply an aggravation of sex-affective violence in LGBTI+ people around the world, it has not been explored how psychosocial characteristics influence the experiences of intimate victimization and de-victimization of non-cisnormative people in Chilean territory. With this objective, a narrative and intersectional qualitative study was designed to recognize the voices of the nine participants and the emerging power relations in the sex-affective sphere. Thematic-narrative and intersectional-intracategorial analysis was carried out on eight information production devices using Atlas.ti.9, describing and critically analyzing the emerging contents. The diversity of enunciation positions that the survivors would occupy and the particular forms of intimate victimization and de-victimization experienced are presented. The need to incorporate the intersectional perspective in the face of the sex-affective violence that affects them is raised.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género“The women who are here and can speak”: The political voice of the Chilean collective Women for Life (1983-1985)2025-01-03T01:06:37+00:00Natalia Villarroel Torresnvillarroel@gradcenter.cuny.eduThis research is framed within the Chilean dictatorship context of the 1980s, a period marked by the emergence of various resistance movements against the military regime. In this scenario, the Women for Life (MPLV) collective emerged, a group remembered for its efforts to restore democracy and defend human rights. This study examines the public interventions of the MPLV to determine the voice that constitutes the political and social identity of the collective. Through the analysis of the discursive practices employed by the MPLV, it is concluded that the collective was able to articulate an incipiently feminist voice, contributing to the construction of a political identity capable of resisting the repressive context of the dictatorship, and to the positioning of women as a new political subject in the struggle for democracy.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género am Rosa; the one who lived, lives and will live inhabiting obesity/fatness. Autobiographical essay from the feminisms of the south2025-01-03T01:26:37+00:00Rosa Araya Añicoyroaraya@uahurtado.clThis work reflects on the author's personal experience of fatphobia during her adolescence and the negative impact of the sociocultural environment on her and her family. From an autobiographical perspective, the author uses the text " Feminismos del Sur: nudos epistemológicos para articular una investigación otra" by Mariana Alvarado and María Eugenia Hermida (2022) as a methodology, developing her work from three knots. Thus, she invites us to reflect, redefine this experience and act consciously to transform the patriarchal behaviors that continue to prevail in our current society.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género limits, scope and colonial routes2025-01-03T01:46:44+00:00Fernando Ziderich do Amaralziderichll@gmail.comThe objective of this article is to provoke a denaturalization/deconstruction of the concept of masculinity itself, highlighting its colonial, hegemonic and ideological character. We therefore reflect on the rhetorical question: what is masculinity? From this, we begin the work of naming the colonial gender technologies that permeate the field of masculinities, as we expose a project of annihilation of male pluriperspectives. With this, we seek to emphasize the importance of masculinity studies moving alongside the pluriperspectives of existence, paving the way for the flourishing of plurimasculinities as an alternative in breaking with the hegemonic and colonial ideological perspective inserted in the field of masculinities. We seek, therefore, to highlight the violence institutionalized by colonization through the monoculture of masculinity, characterizing its functioning as a colonial gender technology. By showing that Brazilian society operates from a masculinist perspective, we are also making clear that the ideological power relations that take place in this society are based on the colonial gender.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género“Unintended pregnancy and college dropout in Chile: An unequal relationship in the construction of human capital in the absence of parental support”2025-01-03T02:05:32+00:00Eva Perezdocente.evaperez@gmail.comUniversity dropout rates in Chile are highest during the first and second years of undergraduate studies, varying according to program, gender, and financial resources. This qualitative study explores institutional dynamics in the construction of human capital among women who are mothers, focusing on dropout in the absence of parental support policies. The study was conducted with female university students in the Metropolitan Region who experienced unintended pregnancies. These women, due to cultural constructions that subordinate the feminine, assumed primary responsibility for childcare, facing tensions between family life and personal development. After childbirth, change in time management and increased financial costs were observed, revealing institutional barriers that hindered academic progress towards timely graduation. The research underscores the need for an intersectional approach to understand how the lack of formal parental support measures reproduce inequalities within the educational system. 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género Limits Up Close The Contact Improvisation as a Laboratory for Gender-Based Violence2025-01-03T02:23:11+00:00Gabriel Nardacchionegabriel.nardacchione@gmail.comLuciana Martínez Albanesimartinezalbanesi@gmail.comThis article analyzes some problematic aspects of bodily proximity and how boundaries are established within the world of Contact Improvisation dance in Buenos Aires. We analyze a set of experiences of gender violence, declinable as acts of intimidation and abuse, through an ethnographic study we conducted between 2018 and 2019. We then inquire into the controversies, debates, and the configuration of devices that the community gave itself to regulate such violent practices. In sum, we show how this "practical laboratory" allows us to understand in detail the deployment of micro-logical forms of violence, as well as experiences of regulation that move away from more traditionally punitivist modes.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género and Work in Uruguayan Prisons2025-01-03T21:26:11+00:00Andrea Cantarelli Amacoriaaacantarelli@gmail.comElisabet Almeda Samaranchelisabet.almeda@ub.eduThe article aims to analyze the meanings of work in women deprived of liberty, with a focus on human rights and gender perspective, to visualize the potential gap between the enshrined right and the enjoyed right in the lives of these women in Uruguay. The study conducted in 2022 includes database analysis, interviews, and workshops with photo-elicitation. The results show three approaches: a typology of the jobs, the nature of such work, and some meanings found in relation to the lives of women. Some of the conclusions affirm that the work offered in female prisons reflects significant gender and class inequalities, which are exacerbated by the increasing incarceration without being accompanied by any public labor policy.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género friendships and affected feminism. Unexpected links between girls and adults in a political organization from Buenos Aires2025-01-03T22:58:29+00:00Paülah Nurit Shabelpaulashabel@gmail.comThe aim of this article is to analyse the relationship between girls and adults at the La Caldera community centre in the light of the category of friendship from a feminist perspective, in order to denaturalise the relational formats imposed between generations, which have hierarchical inequality as a fundamental characteristic. This ethnographic research was carried out during 2020 in the heart of that political organisation, which brought together adults with girls and adolescents from different social classes. The results of the study of the field records are presented along three axes that allow us to break down the characteristics of the affection that arose intergenerationally: as a form of bonding with otherness without pretensions of sameness, as a form of non-paternalistic and non-unidirectional care, and as a way of spending time together without a specific task, that is, as a pause in productive time.2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género in the construction of female subjectivities: an analysis based on two female characters in Bridgerton2025-01-03T02:54:22+00:00Ana Lucía<p>This review focuses on the development of two female characters from the series Bridgerton, one of the most watched in the history of Netflix in recent years, what they can teach us about love and female subjectivities. This feminist analysis of the desires and decisions of Daphne and Eloise Bridgerton allows us to highlight the pillars of romantic love founded precisely in the context of aristocracy, how these are still present today and how we could develop a different notion about love that will be possible only if we manage, from our own personal stories, to question our own subjectivity.</p>2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género e insumisiones Reseña: Uribe Roncallo, P. (2023). Masculinidades entre la ternura y la tensión Pedro Uribe Roncallo. Grijalbo, 367 pp.2025-01-03T23:17:16+00:00Tomás Mandiolatamandiola@uc.cl2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género Y Juventudes: Aportes Para Una Renovación De Nuestras Agendas2025-01-03T23:38:18+00:00Guillermo Romeroguiromero10@hotmail.com2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Punto Género