Intersectionality has been essential in understanding the struggles of women of color. Therefore, to analyze Palestinian feminism, it is essential to consider this concept from the early women's movements in Palestine to the current urgencies. In this way, the paper attempts to answer What have been the movements and strategies of Palestinian women in the face of the double colonial and patriarchal burden? To provide an answer, the paper discusses the different views on the Palestinian female body, delves into the history of women's political movements and delves into the Tal'at movement as an intersectional feminist organization. Later, the analysis moves to the current situation (end of 2023 to end of 2024), presenting a reflection on the feminist urgency to engage with the Palestinian cause, the situation of Gazan women and the purplewashing in the Zionist discourse.
Palestine, women, feminism, intersectionality
Author Biography
Mayra Eltit Fuentes, Universidad de Chile
Licenciada en Actuación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Cursa actualmente el Magíster en Prácticas Coreográficas en la Universidad de Chile
Eltit Fuentes, M. (2025). The intersectional struggle of palestinian women: history, feminism and current challenges. Revista Punto Género, (22), pp. 170–199.