We evaluate the current nature and conditions of academic work at the University of Guanajuato (UGTO), in the case of racialized people. We start from the assumption that there are patterns of inequality within higher education centers, which is manifested in a hierarchical order for the designation of positions and for the distribution of workloads based on the intersectionalities of gender, race, class and nationality, among others. This imbrication encourages the production and reproduction of differentiated working conditions, according to the possession or not of subaltered identity traits, further influencing the precariousness of their employment conditions, in an area that despite its renown and "prestige" as The workplace in recent years has lost “privileges” and “security”, derived from the reduction of budgets for public education, labor reforms, and the assignment of additional administrative burdens to the production of research and teaching; giving way to uncertainty. Although the current conditions of precarious employment turn out to be generalized in Mexico, the UGTO represents a scenario that reflects the unequal socio-labor position of women, more than men, due to their gendergender, ethnic / racial traits, appearance and place of employment. origin, regardless of their professional performance. The methodological perspective responds to the decolonial approach of anti-racist feminism and the sociology of work, from which empirical information is collected.
Intersectionalities, academic production, job insecurity, university work, inequalities
Hurtado Saa, T. (2021). Intersectionalities and gender-sex inequalities in university academic production: the case of a public university in Mexico. Revista Punto Género, (16), pp. 51–78. https://doi.org/10.5354/2735-7473.2021.65879