Education through Art: A Commitment to Integral Development with and through the Arts in the Peruvian Educational Reform of 1972



The Peruvian Educational Reform of 1972 marked a milestone in the educational proposals from the Peruvian State by showing a deep interest in including the pedagogical and progressive ideological trends prevailing in its time, as well as promoting the development of critical thinking and using participatory methods transversally to the entire curriculum proposal. In this reform, the line of action of Education through Art of the Regular Basic Education curriculum is consolidated as an area that provides fundamental experiences related to psychomotor, affective-social and cognitive capacities for the integral development of the individual. Based on a documentary analysis, this research analyzes the curricular elements that make up this line of action, both at the macrocurricular and microcurricular levels. It is evidenced that this reform, centered on the student, considers art and artistic education as valuable ends in themselves, and seeks to enhance learning by exploring, imagining, expressing, communicating and creating with—and through—the arts through interdisciplinary experiences with other lines of educational action.


educational reform, curriculum, arts education, elementary school, integral education