Between sublimation and Agon: Proposal for the Dissolution of the Epistemic-Inmune Paradoxes of School Violence


  • Hector Orlando Carmona Sanchez Universidad de Xalapa


This paper attempt to show new ways of interpreting and understanding school violence, based on the following points : firstly , the epistemic paradox in the interpretation of the phenomenon, with which we will demonstrate that this is due to a kind of asepsis that prevents us from understanding the core of violence; secondly, we will try to understand violence and its combat in the light of our contemporary world, crossed by immunity and hedonism , based on authors such as Esposito and Lipovetsky; in a third moment, we will try to understand that violence is a constitutive part of the human being, which would show that there is an impossibility in wanting to eradicate it, for which we will base ourselves on authors such as Nietzsche and Freud. Likewise, we will try to propose a different way to look for new possibilities of coexistence among men, starting from the psychoanalytic concept of sublimation and Nietzschean Agon.


school violence, immunity, hedonism, sublimation, agon