The tasks for which the traditional university is responsible -specially in becoming the trustee to the social memory and in being the critical conscience of society by means of its reflection and its proposals for the creation of new knowledge-are discussed in this paper. Emblematic was the state, national and public University that characterized the development of education in Latin America during the 20th century as an entity destined to dialog with its social surroundings, contributing to the expansion of new knowledge or applied investigation or progress. Also, due to the growing demands for more university, it is asked to form professionals and postgraduates of the highest level. But, in addition, it is required to assume its own financing by selling services. As it is evident in the Chilean case described in this paper, the excessive emphasis on the policy of self-financing and the invasive application of market policies, have determined the university to traverse from its critical, autonomous, national and public social role towards the private sale of services to sustain its work.
Riveros Cornejo, L. (2020). A change of paradigm: from the state, national and public university to the market university. Revista Enfoques Educacionales, 14(1), 13–52. Retrieved from