
Vacation 2025: Our users are informed that Revista de Urbanismo will be on institutional vacation period from February 1 to March 2, 2025. We will resume our functions on March 3, 2025.


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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I have read the Instructions for Authors, and the article meets all the requirements of these instructions.
  • The article is original. The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been sent to any other journal or published in Preprint or Conference Proceedings.
  • I am aware that REVISTA DE URBANISMO at the beginning of the review process will submit the article to anti-plagiarism review, to verify its originality.
  • The author details have been entered only in the submission form. For each author, name, institutional affiliation, ORCID and email address were indicated.
  • The manuscript has been adapted to the Template Sheet for articles, available in the Instructions for Authors.
  • Tables and/or figures are incorporated into the text. The figures have also been attached as supplementary files separately, according to the Instructions for Authors.

Author Guidelines

REVISTA DE URBANISMO publishes articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Manuscripts must adhere to the following guidelines, the non-compliance of which will be a cause for rejection:

  • Manuscripts must be unpublished (not previously issued), and should not be in the editorial process in another journal.
  • Articles must be original and adhere to the Statement of Ethics of REVISTA DE URBANISMO. The review process includes the use of plagiarism checking tools.
  • Manuscripts must adhere to REVISTA DE URBANISMO’s Editorial Line.
  • Manuscripts must not exceed 4 authors, except in justified situations.

Format and Length

Article submission is open throughout the year, and only through the website http://www.revistaurbanismo.uchile.cl. Manuscripts must be submitted in WORD (.doc and .docx) format using the Article Submission Template. Article length must be a minimum of 6,000 and a maximum of 8,000 words, not including bibliographical references.

The first page should include the title of the article in the original language and in English (130 characters maximum, with spaces), the abstract (between 150 and 200 words), and the key words (3 to 5 keywords, separated by semicolons). The title must not contain abbreviations. The abstract must outline the research problems, objectives, methodology, and main results, It should not include bibliographical references or mathematical expressions.  

According to APA standard, the use footnotes is not recommended. In case of using them, they should only be those which are deemed essential, and should be placed at the bottom of each page. The use of quotation marks is for textual quotations exclusively. Works containing terms, acronyms, values, etc. of a local nature, should explain their meanings to ensure they are understood. In respect to acronyms, their complete equivalence should be explained in their first use.


The names of the authors and the order in which they appear should be correctly registered in the website submission form http://www.revistaurbanismo.uchile.cl. Save for justified exceptions, once the editorial process is initiated, the withdrawal or inclusion of authors is not accepted. All authors must enter their current affiliation and updated ORCID code in the website submission form.

The manuscript must omit any references to the identity or affiliation of its authors; this information should only be entered through the website submission form at http://www.revistaurbanismo.uchile.cl. If the article is associated with funding sources, the sponsoring project, grant, or institution should be specified in the submission form; in the manuscript, the funding source should be anonymized.

Subtitle Hierarchy

Titles must not have numbers or letters indicating hierarchy. They should be ordered in levels according to the most current APA standard (see Article Submission Template).

Figures y Tables

Graphic content shall consist of figures (drawings, maps, photographs, graphs, schemes, etc.), and tables. The tables must be prepared in WORD text format and be included in the body of the manuscript, not be sent separately or in image format.

Figures can be in color or grayscale. Figures must be of good quality and be sent separately in JPG or PNG format, with a 300 dpi resolution and a size that allows a correct reading of the content, using the site submission form at http://www.revistaurbanismo.uchile.cl, as complementary material. Figures should also be inserted in the manuscript (in low resolution), following the paragraph where they are discussed. Files should be named "Figure 1", "Figure 2", etc., and "Table 1", "Table 2", etc., as appropriate; the maximum individual file size is 8 MB.

Authors may include a maximum of 8 graphic elements in total. Figures and tables should be headed in the manuscript with the expression "Figure" or "Table", numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and should be explicitly referred to in the manuscript text (Figure 5) (Table 2). Figures and tables should include the units of measurement.

Figures and tables must present a title, and the full corresponding sources. The sources of figures and tables should be standardized according to APA guidelines. In case graphic elements included that are not property of the authors, they must have the corresponding authorization for publication. It is the responsibility of the authors to guarantee the correct acknowledgement of authorship of the material presented.

Bibliographical References

Bibliographical references must follow the most current version of APA guidelines. If existing, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must be included, which can be consulted at www.crossref.org.

Bibliographical references of articles submitted to REVISTA DE URBANISMO must comply with the following citation requirements:

1) Use the most updated APA citation system.

2) At least 35% of the bibliographic references should come from publications made in the last 5 years. Scientific articles published in mainstream journals (Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, among others) are also encouraged to be discussed.

Privacy Statement

All the names and e-mail addresses included in REVISTA DE URBANISMO will be used exclusively for the stated purposes; therefore this information is not available for any other purpose.