The New Local Political Agents: Structural Review of the Thesis of Arturo Valenzuela: How it is articulated local level of representation with the national in the local arena, and what is the role of the central government and public policy?
Vicente Espinoza
Instituto de Estudios Avanzados USACH
This article presents as central question: what subjects, what practices, or which sensitivities represent initiatives recognized as innovative on citizenship? To answer this question we present the results of an investigation into social networks in some municipalities of Chile.
Social networks, Public policy, local politics, citizenship, Chile
Author Biography
Vicente Espinoza, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados USACH
Instituto de Estudios Avanzados USACH, Director Diplomado en Gestión de Redes Asociativas y Ciudadanía.
Espinoza, V. (2006). The New Local Political Agents: Structural Review of the Thesis of Arturo Valenzuela: How it is articulated local level of representation with the national in the local arena, and what is the role of the central government and public policy?. MAD, (14), 8–18. Retrieved from