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Author Guidelines

Editorial Policy

MAD is peer-reviewed by chosen specialists in social sciences, including perspectives and approaches to social systems theory, sociocybernetics, and systemic socio-constructivism. The peer review process operates under a "double-blind" system, in which two external reviewers evaluate each article, and the names of authors and reviewers remain confidential and unknown to each other.

The editorial policy of MAD has as its primary objective the diffusion of original scientific work in social sciences, research advances, essays, reviews, and translations where theoretical perspectives and empirical approaches to social systems theory and social constructivism are applied.

MAD also publishes articles in the "Early View" version, which have been accepted for publication, peer-reviewed, and corrected before the issue's publication, allowing its readers to access its content more quickly. Each article has an online publication date and DOI, allowing it to be cited as soon as it is published.

The submission, editing, and publication process is free of charge for the authors.

(Other aspects of the journal, such as evaluation criteria and guidelines for the presentation and submission of papers, are available only for the Spanish version of this Webpage)

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.