MAD ISSN 0718-0527 is an academic publication with strict editorial ethical standards. The following principles guide all journal procedures:
- Treat all authors fairly and equitably;
- Respect the deadlines committed for evaluation and publication;
- exclude from the evaluation process any extra-scientific criteria (economic, ideological, political, religious, etc.);
- only accept articles on their own merits;
- have no conflict of interest concerning accepted or rejected texts;
- assume full responsibility for the acceptance or rejection of articles;
- in case errors are found in the journal, review and correct them promptly;
- protect the anonymity of authors and reviewers in the evaluation process;
- maintain total confidentiality of communications with authors and reviewers;
- constantly review the content of the journal, its technical accessibility, and possible errors or mistakes detected and correct them promptly;
- make the journal's selection criteria transparent to the scientific community;
- To put any extra-scientific interest (economic, ideological, political, political, etc.) before scientific and academic ethical commitments.
- (economic, ideological, political, religious, etc.);
- maintain open channels of communication with authors and reviewers in case it is necessary to publish corrections, clarifications, or apologies.
- Permanently review compliance with the ethical principles of the journal;
- Advise the editor in case of errors in the publication;
- To ensure the journal's quality in its formal and content aspects.
- To commit to submit only original work that has not been published elsewhere;
- to declare the source of financing received for publication;
- To indicate clearly and precisely, following the editorial standards of the journal,
- all references that serve as a basis for the paper;
- have contributed significantly to the article;
- submit to the peer review process, correct any errors detected, and accept the comments received;
- verify that all the information contained is authentic, that no fraudulent use is made of the data or plagiarism is committed;
- accept the intellectual property rights policy of the journal;
- declare possible conflicts of interest, especially concerning sponsorship or financing of their research;
- to have the informed consent or approval of their institution's ethics committee in the case of persons interviewed or mentioned in research results.
- Impartially evaluate the content of the articles;
- Refrain from evaluating if there are conflicts of interest concerning the article's content, authors, or sources.
- the content of the article, its authors or funding sources;
- maintain total confidentiality concerning the information received;
- make constructive observations to improve the quality of the evaluated work;
- indicate to the author relevant sources of information that they have not considered;
- Do not use the information received for any purpose other than to evaluate the text.
This declaration of editorial ethics adheres to the codes of conduct and guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (