This review provides a brief update about the strategies that have been developed for the hipoallergenic immunotherapy against latex allergens. Thus, recombinant mutants, chemically modified molecules, anti IgE monoclonal antibodies and T-cell epitope-based peptides have been used. Additionally, recent finds that show the importance of dendritic cells and their potential applicability to latex allergens are included.
Hipersensibilidad al Látex, Desensibilización Inmunológica, Goma/química, Inmunoterapia
Escobar A., A. ., Guzmán M., M. A. ., & Aguillón G., J. C. . (2007). Alergia al látex. Avances en el desarrollo de inmunoterapias hipoalergénicas específicas. Revista Hospital Clínico Universidad De Chile, 18(3), pp. 257–64.