Management, Technology and Social Housing. Stop and Further Progress


  • Mariana Gatani Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Socio-housing management has traditionally been understood as the State management of social and housing matters. However, the increase of the population’s social and particularly socio-housing necessities points to the absence of policies and actions efficiently guided towards reverting processes of social polarization and impoverishment of wide sectors of the population. The widespread traditional official practices that have dealt virtually exclusively with the strict financing of the supply, are today utterly exhausted. It is necessary to build and to apply new paradigms of social and housing management. Paradigms being developed in academic cloisters need to be endorsed in practice. The relationship between science, technology and society poses a theoretical-methodological alternative starting from which observation and direct action frameworks can be built in socio-housing matters. The use of sustainable technology falls within the paradigm described, with the argument that all technology carries with it a genetic code, which is to say that it tends to reproduce the conditions in which it was conceived. The intervening factors are of a varied nature: economic, decisional, technical, cultural. The present article will attempt to demonstrate the socioorganizational possibilities of building technology within the process of construction of popular habitat. The transfer of the seed system in the City Hall in Montevideo will be the case for analysis and reflection. The association of a research institute, CEVE, and the State of the city of Montevideo constitutes without a doubt a case of South-South cooperation that involves two Latin American countries with more similarities than differences. The contribution of the Iberian-American program of Science and Technology for Development, Sub-program XIV.C “Transfer of Technology for Social Interest Housing” has enabled the housing scheme to be followed-up and monitored.

Author Biography

Mariana Gatani, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Arquitecta- Investigadora del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICET) – Docente de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Es miembro del equipo de investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías para vivienda del Centro Experimental de Vivienda Económica.