Social Historical Construction and Deconstruction within the Context of the Access to Habitat-Related Goods and Services


  • Raúl Fernández Wagner Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento


This article –likely an essay than a scientific paper- starts from the assumption that ‘social housing accessibility’ as a question, doesn’t fill the social and urban dimensions and the complexity of the habitat problems in Latin America. In order to deal with the core of this sentence, it will be developed how the social housing notion was historically constructed, trying to put in relative terms the notion’s use. This is the starting point to a critical approach to the housing policies, which will be deeply criticised when the term ‘access’ show us its multiples meanings. Thirdly, we conceptualise briefly how the urban space is produced, in order to show how as part of a perverse logic, the housing policies in the Region, was in reverse in the ‘90s. The consequences of lack of understanding how the habitat’s goods and services market works, lead to a little participation of public policies on it. This article, calling the attention about how we built knowledge in this matter. We put here some constitutive elements of a ‘new housing question’ as we defined, with the intention to redefine the path to a wide and better comprehension in order to bring solutions for one of the most dramatic issues of the present time.

Author Biography

Raúl Fernández Wagner, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Arquitecto. Especialista en Vivienda y Urbanismo. Candidato a Doctor. Profesor Asociado en la Licenciatura de Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, donde es Director de la Carrera de Especialización Desarrollo Local en Regiones Urbanas. Creador y director de la Maestría en Hábitat y Vivienda de las Universidades Nacionales de Mar del Plata y Rosario. Investigador 1 y evaluador en el sistema de Ciencia y Técnica de Argentina. Es miembro de la Red CYTED XIV.D.